

Aggregates NagiosGraph graphs onto a single, easy-to-browse page.

This script takes data from standard LDAP "People" and "Group" trees and creates NIS passwd and group maps from them.

This is ~15-20 perl subroutines to help you more easily develop LDAP command line tools. THIS FILE is REQUIRED by the script.


FDSgraph is a utility for graphing connections and operations from Fedora Directory Server.

NOTE: (available from this site) is REQUIRED for The idea is that daplib is a general perl LDAP function library, and is a very useful example of how it can be used.

This is a script for managing POSIX groups via LDAP. You can add and remove users from individual groups, or all groups. You can add and remove entire groups. You can 'reset' groups (ie, remove all users from a given group). There's probably other stuff you can do that I'm forgetting, and there's probably more to come as well :-)

Many thanks to Chris St. Pierre, who released *his* code under a GPL license. This version is mostly a variation on Chris's code, and enough code overlaps for it to be considered a collaborative effort (with Chris having done much of the heavy lifting, I might add).


jann-log is a perl script that will read data from a named pipe and send it to your jabber server. This was a proof-of-concept script to illustrate how you could use a Jabber client as a log monitor. See the related article by searching for jann-log on this site.

Jonesy's Nanny Script (in Python)

This is a traditional 'nanny' script. SysAdmins use 'nanny' scripts to check that certain processes are running, and to restart them if they aren't running. This one is written in Python, and was written for a collection of CentOS/Red Hat machines -- but it should run on systems that store the pid file in /var/run, and can use /etc/init.d/ start|restart to get a daemon up and running.

You can't negate the search criteria of an ldapsearch. So you can't, for example, find a list of users who all *lack* a particular attribute. Here's ~20 lines of bash that'll do the job, and then generate LDIF that you can redirect to a file which, when fed to 'ldapsearch -f filename', will correct the situation.


Fedora Directory Server doesn't come with a Sys V init script, so I wrote one. I also made an option file that can be sourced from /etc/sysconfig (on systems that have it).

PLAID: The Pluggable Log AnalysIs Daemon

PLAID started life as an adaptive firewall tool like fail2ban or FUT, but it grew to be much larger. It can read your logs and respond to any action -- single or repeated -- using any number of plugins.


This was written long ago and far away (California I think). But it's still immensely useful for admins to keep track of a collection of servers using rstatd.